Tuesday 16 February 2010

Majolica Majorca BR355

Step 1: Apply the Cream eyeshadow to the inner part of your eyes, and applying to under your eyes. It should be lighter towards inner part of your eye.
Step 2: Then apply the lightest eyeshadow all over your eyelid, blend well with the white.

Step 3: Apply the medium colour brown to the outer corners of your eyes. Then gently adding to the outer part of under your eye. Don't add too much or you'll look sleepy! Blend well with the light eyeshadow.

Step 4: Apply the darkest brown to the very corners of your eyes, blend outwards so the light doesn't fade from the inner parts. You can add more medium brown just to blend them more to get a more even look. You can add a very small amount to the bottom of your eyes on the outer parts to look more daring, but without it's still cute!~x

Step 5: Apply Mascara and do not line the top unless you really need to. Make sure your eyes look big as ever by applying white eyeliner or a light peachy colour eyeliner. You can add false lashes if you want though in this I didn't.
And your done! Simple as that! Hope you liked!


  1. simple tutorial to follow! love the eyeshadow palette! ^^

  2. Your eyes are so beautiful :) The palettes look great! If I remember correctly I own one item by Majolica Majorca :)
