Tuesday 12 February 2013

MM: May I ask you...

My answers:

Do you wear makeup everyday? If not, when do you do, and why?

Most days I do! Though If I'm just at home there's no need.

How old were you when you started wearing makeup? Why did you start?

I think it was 12? When I had just discovered Eyeliner! I wasn't very good! But I liked black blod eyes! Very emo, urgh!!

What was you first makeup product ever?

An eyeliner most likely,

Do you feel like makeup gives you confidence and lifts your spirit?

I never feel shy without it, I put makeup on for that extra pow, Not to give me confidence

What is your favorite brand and why?

Mac, It's just really reliable and great quality

What is your one product you never change, and why?

Eyeliner, Liquid Eyeliner!

What is your top beauty tip for all makeup lovers out there?
Don't over do it! You just ruin the whole process!

If you had to chose 1 product to use for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Lipbalm, It saves the day! In cold weather like this, I need it!! 

Do you like to spend and splurge on yourself , or save?

What product/look/style have you always wanted to try, but didn't have the guts to go for?
Nothing, I love to try everything If I had more time, I would experiment more! It's fun, so why not?

Do you think that all women that wear makeup are girly girls? are you?
Not at all, It's like saying are all the girls who go to the gym butch lesbians? I think not!

What do you consider to be a good age to start wearing makeup?
I think in your late teens, but it's nice to experiment from a young age.

Do you buy just what you need (for example, if you ran out of some product), or anything you like?
What I need!

Would you rather give up your favorite lip product or your favorite eye product?
Lip product, there's always something else you can find!

What do you think is the worst makeup trend/look ever?
Ummm I'm not too sure? Oh! The whole tan face white neck look, and there's a line where the tan stops haha! 

Would you rather only use one eyeshadow color or one lip color for the rest of your life? What color?
One eyeshadow colour, cause you can blend it, so it makes loads of shades of that one colour. I'd make it black, or DARK brown.

 If you had to shop only at one brand for the rest of your life, what brand would it be?
Mac, easy question.

If you were given 1000$ to spend only on clothes, or ony on makeup- which do you choose?
Make-up, it adds to a collection/kit. 

What's product is your dream one currently?
Lip Balm, only cause its snowing like mad here, and my lips crack so easy!

Do you remove your makeup every single day before you go to bed?
YES,!!! Apart from the last 2 nights! I wasn't at home with my makeup remover!What do you think of fake eyelashes?
They're amazing!

Did you know your supposed to change your mascara every three months?
Yep, but I'm a sucker and cheap, so I keep it for 6! :o

Have you ever bought makeup online? What do you think about it?
Yep, mostly old range items or non permanent, such as old collection items! It's handy!

Which celebrity always has good make-up?
Beyonce haha, or Lady Gaga!

Could you leave the house without any make-up on?

 On average, how long does it take you to do your makeup?
If I'm trying to look real good, and concentrating, then 20 mins, if not then 5-10, It's the same routine everyday, I get faster!

Do you apply your foundation with a brush, sponge, or fingers?
Brush or sponge, fingers are not good, cause they transfer the oil from your fingers to face, not good!

What’s your weakness? Shoes, purses, clothes, jewelry, eyeshadow, lipstick or other?
Earrings, FOOD! Nails!!

Wax eyebrows, or pluck?
Thread or shave!

Lipstick, lipgloss or chapstick?

Do you care more for quality or name brand?

What is your current addiction? (lipsticks, eyeshadows, earrings...)
Earrings, without a doubt!

Where and how do you store your makeup?
Makeup storage!

How many makeup products do you own?
Can't say, don't really count it up?

What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?
I couldn't say, I don't remember all the prices!

What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?

What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with?
Eyelashes, sometimes they work amazing, but at a price!

What are your most delicious beauty products?
Like Tasty?! I'm not too sure? I don't like minty lip products or any fruity ones!

What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
Lipsticks, Lipglasses, You can never go wrong haha.

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